It has been raining all over India and signs of monsoon have also started in Tamil Nadu. BHARAT POWERS have launched a free “Pre-Monsoon Battery and Electrical Checkup Camp” for batteries used in two wheeler and four wheeler.
It has been raining all over India and signs of monsoon have also started in Tamil Nadu. BHARAT POWERS have launched a free “Pre-Monsoon Battery and Electrical Checkup Camp” for batteries used in two wheeler and four wheeler.
The campaigns will kick start in all BHARAT POWERS STORES i.e Bharat Powers ELITE, PREMIUM AND MINI STORES.
The key objective behind
this beneficial campaign is to offer bike and car owners a stress-free driving
experience in the rainy weather. In the free check up camp, an in-depth
assessment of the battery using digitized battery scrutinizer in order to
know the complete condition of the battery.
Free service for two and four wheeler batteries was conducted on 17th and 18th of July 2013. This service camp was blessed with graceful presence of Mr Radhakrishnan (Traffic AC, Salem) and Mr Sorimuthu(Traffic RI, Salem).
Free service for two and four wheeler batteries was conducted on 17th and 18th of July 2013. This service camp was blessed with graceful presence of Mr Radhakrishnan (Traffic AC, Salem) and Mr Sorimuthu(Traffic RI, Salem).
More than 200 vehicles was checked during this free two days camp. Free gifts was also issued to the visitors during the free check up.
This free service camp was initiated by BHARAT POWERS with presence of Mr Magudeswaran(Service Head, EXIDE Automotive, Salem) and Mr Pachaikanan (Area Manager, EXIDE AUTOMOTIVE,Coimbatore).
Special offers on Exide
two wheeler and four wheeler batteries was also available at this camp along with assured free gifts.
This Free Camp is initiated by BHARAT POWERS and Powered by Exide Industries Limited.
the discount is on some inverter products of UTL check out the whole solar inverter price list